Forest of Reading : White Pine Official Selection 2015

Hi guys, I hope you all are having a great day, and this is the shelf for the White Pine Official Selections for nominated titles of one of the best Canadian titles released under teen fiction this year.


For those of you who don’t know what White Pine is, it’s part of The Forest of Reading—Canada’s largest recreational program, and I LOVE DOING THIS EVERY YEAR. Now, Forest of Reading has EIGHT programs.


  • Blue Spruce Award (best picture book for kindergarten – grade 2)
  • Silver Birch Award (best fiction and non-fiction for grades 3 – 6)
  • Silver Birch Express Award (best fiction and non-fiction for grades 3 – 4, English as a Second Language students, people who don’t read a lot, and special needs children who love literature)
  • Red Maple Award (best fiction and non-fiction books for grades 6 – 8)
  • White Pine Award (best fiction and non-fiction books for high school students or older teens)
  • Le Prix Tamarac Award (best French fiction and non-fiction book for grades 3 – 6)
  • Golden Oak Award (fiction for adults learning to read and adult ESL)
  • Evergreen Award (fiction for adults of any age)


Now . . . phew, this is only done in Canada. And a lot of people take this really seriously. I started off with Silver Birch in grade three and have done this since. Personally, so far my most favorite books have been the Red Maple. There have always been a lot of books in Red Maple book I have loved. Anyway, there is “competition” for prizes (you will get a prize if you have done any of these things) like:


  • Reading all non-fiction and fiction for the Award you are reading for this year
  • Reading three award nominations: Silver Birch Fiction and Non-Fiction, Red Maple Fiction and Non-Fiction, and White Pine Fiction and Non-Fiction
  • Reading all eight awards provided
  • But it is important to keep in mind that you can read certain category’s considering age groups


I personally just read one, then go on, and see how many I can do. You report to your librarian or teacher that you have finished a book. Then, you give a discussion, and they ask you questions to see if you really read the book, and then you get a signature on a passport given to you. Then you have officially read one book.


Moving on . . . I am doing the White Pine 2015 this year. This year our school is doing ten fiction books. The rule is you have to read five in order to vote. So down below are this year’s selections and I can read any five of them that I want. Or all ten.




This is going to go on until April 28th. 


Thanks for reading guys, and let the Official Selections begin! ;)