The Girl of Fire and Thorns (Fire and Thorns #1) by Rae Carson

Hi guys, I hope you’re excited for the Christmas countdown starting tomorrow because it’ll be December! I’m really excited and stressed for 2015, and I really want to clean up my book-act to start fresh and new! I hope you enjoy reading my review to Rae Carson’s The Girl of Fire and Thorns.
This book is in a different world, one where people believe in the will of God, since there is the Godstone Bearer, someone who has a Godstone in their naval where their bellybutton should be. The person who bears this Godstone is meant to carry out a certain service for mankind. Of course, this makes the bearer an immediate hero and enemy to many people. For this century Elisa is the chosen one. She bears the Godstone and thinks God has made a big mistake. Her self-esteem is pretty low, and she feels as if she doesn’t necessarily deserve the Godstone because she’s kind of fat in the beginning of this book. She also is not part of much in court matters, her sister hates her, and she is married to King Alejandro. She does not think she is fit to be Queen or even the bearer of the Godstone.
I actually really loved this book, and it has become one of my favorite series. I was pretty surprised by the fact that one book could hold so much character development. I was really proud of Elisa by the end of this book, and was really happy with the way everything turned out. Unfortunately, some small events took place that I didn’t like, but other than that, everything else was well.
Elisa, is awesome. Because one, she is a character I can actually understand. I feel like every one of us has a little bit of insecurity. But Elisa seems to get over this over time with change. I feel pretty amazed with this character development, but I don’t want to ruin anything because you guys have to read this book yourself to see how good this is.
The connections made with this book were amazing, and I could slowly connect the dots in my head. The pace of this book was amazing. Another I loved was Rae Carson’s description. She literally painted scenery in my mind when she was describing situations and I often went back to re-read them as I went to see how this was played out.
You guys really need to read this! Highly recommended!
Thank you all for reading this review, and I know it was a bit short. But I really don’t want to ruin this for you guys! It’s amazing. Hope you guys have a nice day, and hope you’re happy for the holidays!