The Dark Days Club (Lady Helen #1) by Alison Goodman

I’ve heard a lot of things about The Dark Days Club. I’m a huge sucker for historical fiction and if historical fiction is combined with fantasy then I’m bound to read it! AlthoughThe Dark Days Club was more of a historical fiction to me instead of a gothic/fantasy book, I was still interested enough to try reading the next book.
The only reason this book didn’t really get a higher rating was because this book was really interesting in the beginning, but around a third of the way through, I had to really push through. Things kind of got more interesting around the middle/ending point where we finally see Helen realize what she is (like, the summary made it sound like she was going to get right to demon hunting or something!). But then, guess what? I had to slug through the phase where Helen didn’t want to accept what she was and thought about other things, like marriage. *yawn*
So, this book was kind of boring.
But, on the bright side, the ending was kind of fun to get through! I mean, I would’ve liked this book a lot more if there wasn’t so much build-up and all that stuff. I kind of felt like I learned more about Helen and her life than about the fantasy aspect of this book.
Overall, The Dark Days Club was an okay book that had more of a strong beginning and end (in my opinion). I had to really push through the middle portion and was really happy whenever I got glimpses of fantasy, but oh well.