Silver Shadows (Bloodlines #5) by Richelle Mead
Hmm… not my favorite in this series. I think I’d like to point out the fact that this book kind of follows along the same line as most books do with the whole characters are separated arc.
One thing that really annoyed me was Adrian! I seriously thought we got past his self pity phase and always syncing into depression and thinking about crap about how sad his life is!
Thankfully, Adrian got through with his self pity BS at the point where I was about to smack him for
As usual, the plot moved forward more towards the end than in the beginning. Thankfully, Adrian made up for the end so I excused his lameness in the beginning. Maybe it’s just me, but
And, God! Sydney’s dad just gets worse and worse! And no offense but if Zoe is going to apologize in the next book I would not care or listen to her! What a brainwashed puppet!
I feel like there’s so much conflict, I’m not sure how it’s all possibly going to be wrapped up in the next book, but I am anticipating The Ruby Circle! Eagerly waiting for the ending and expecting lots of action from what happened!