Rebel Belle (Rebel Belle #1) by Rachel Hawkins

“Paladin: an honorable knight; defender of a noble cause.”
“Laaaaaame,” I whispered. I much preferred superhero.
This book was definitely a lot of fun.
Rebel Belle is filled with the southern way of things at Harper Price’s small town called Pine Grove. Except that she becomes a Paladin at Homecoming Night after seeing her janitor die and killing her history teacher. Just the normal ;)
Although Harper is usually the kind of character I don’t like, aspects of her felt very real. I agreed with some of the difficulties Harper had in terms of actually accepting what it meant to be a Paladin, and I don’t blame her for being very hesitant or scared to accept the new responsibilities that she had.
The only thing that I had a problem with in this story was that at times it was annoying to read about Harper’s boyfriend problems. I really didn’t care that Ryan was this or that. I was hoping for more action instead of a huge buildup towards Cotillion.
Overall, a fast paced and fun read with a southern aspect. Definitely continuing on with the trilogy.